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Regulatory burden undermining business competitiveness, new Chamber report finds

Ottawa, May 31, 2018—Canada’s regulatory system is smothering business in Canada, thanks to a growing mix of complex, costly and overlapping rules from all levels of government. A new report by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and supported by the Belleville Chamber of Commerce, Death by 130,000 Cuts: Improving Canada’s Regulatory Competitiveness, calls on governments to modernize their regulatory frameworks and give businesses in Canada room to thrive.

Inconsistent and unpredictable rules and processes are making it difficult for businesses—whether large or small—to keep up and comply. This leads to our businesses being less competitive and Canada becoming a less attractive place to invest, start or grow a business,” said the Hon. Perrin Beatty, President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. “Regulations are designed to keep us safe and to create a level playing field. But when they start to smother businesses, that becomes a real problem.

As the U.S., our largest competitor and trading partner, has recently implemented significant corporate tax and regulatory reforms, Canada cannot afford to fall further behind. Today’s report identifies opportunities to increase public and investor confidence in Canada’s regulatory systems and provides clear recommendations to government on how it should be done.

Both the provincial and federal governments have acknowledged the “red tape” for businesses is a challenge they should address. Unfortunately, with every new announcement of funding appears another hoop or application required. And these can be difficult for local business owners to take advantage of, particularly as they relate to growth or expansion.” said Jill Raycroft, CEO, Belleville Chamber of Commerce. 

Read the Full Report Here


Jill Raycroft, CEO 
Belleville Chamber of Commerce

Guillaum W. Dubreuil
Senior Director, Public Affairs and Media Relations
Canadian Chamber of Commerce

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