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From the Desk of the CEO Jill Raycroft

On Wednesday this week, I swapped my desk for a Herc!  Back in November at Habitat for Humanity's "Home for the Holiday" gala, an Executrek package was on the Auction block and I'd heard it was a pretty excellent adventure.  

I really wasn't quite sure what I was getting into but I knew it was an opportunity to experience life on the Base for a day (which seemed like a rather patriotic thing to do as well).  

The day was filled with activities to thrill us - riding above the region in a Hercules with the door wide open - landing a plane with the flight simulator - jumping out of a building - repelling down a wall - that kind of thing!  Oh, and eating "rations" ...

But my biggest takeaway from the day was the concept behind the Executrek is to connect employers with Reservists.  This can also extend to retiring military personnel but the theory is if employers understand the value of reservists and the skills they bring to the workplace, more employers will understand how they can partner with the Armed Forces to support a reservist's commitment to our country and  accommodate a deployment.

Julie Lange, of Scotia Wealth Management (celebrating 20 years as a Chamber member) is also an Honorary Colonel of the  436 Air Mobility Squadron at 8 Wing Trenton and sits on the CFLC (Canadian Forces Liaison Council).  We had a great time talking about the day and I'm looking forward to finding ways for us to connect you with hiring opportunities and - who knows - maybe even an Executrek experience!  If you want to explore this information on your own - here's a link to more   A huge thanks to the personnel from the Base who helped out (making sure we were always strapped in and safe through the dangerous stuff) and were overall welcoming and warm.

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Esso Chamber
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Esso Chamber
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off