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From the Desk of the CEO Jill Raycroft

I would never rate myself a good golfer but I do love the game and being out on the course!  So, yesterday (even if a bit chilly) was a great day to get together with those of you who were able to carve out a few hours and join us… it appears those who come out to golf are those who don’t come out to breakfasts or mingles so, proof that variety is good when trying to give you opportunities to connect with each other. Of course, there is always some competitive spirit when you have a tournament, and Mitch Panciuk (Boston Pizza) was very motivated to reclaim the title for the trophy. Roman Mikolich (Snap’d Quinte), Pam Powell (A. Farber & Partners) & Norm Fortin (Athena Freight) tried to take it for a second year (with the addition of Don McRae this year)… Pam still won the “Closest to the Pin” honour but apparently it wasn’t enough and Mitch, Ryan Williams (Williams Hotels), Bill Kerr (Black Bear Ridge) & Ryan LaPalm came in at -11.  The rivalry is on so we shall see what happens next year!

Either way, we’ll be putting up some great photos and cheering on the successes of so many on the course! On a side note, there’s been a bit of a competition running between the Ontario Chamber of Commerce & the Alberta Chamber to raise money and awareness around prostate cancer with the Plad for Dad campaign. We managed to collect $200 on the course yesterday and made our contribution towards the $6,000 goal!

And the planning has begun for Small Business Week in October – nominations have opened for the QBAA and we’re looking to put together a great week of learning & sharing opportunities throughout the region.

Happy Father’s Day to all the “Dads” out there!

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Esso Chamber
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Esso Chamber
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Esso Chamber