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From the Desk of Chamber CEO Jill Raycroft

This is the week we switch our red poppies for red hats (or red noses) – and sure enough, tonight marks the official launch of the holiday season in Belleville with the lighting ceremony down at Meyers Pier. The Salvation Army kettle campaign also launched this week and Operation Red Nose is getting a bit of press before their volunteers take to the roads next weekend. The trees are up Downtown, it’s Home for the Holidays with Habitat on Saturday and Santa arrives on Sunday!  And so it begins…

Here at the Chamber, we are putting together a great breakfast conversation for November 29 around what it means to be the “Voice of Business” and the resources available to help with incoming changes.   While it might seem we are just about Mingles and networking (which we love), the conversations we have with you as our members help us tell the municipal, provincial and federal governments what you need in order to prosper in our community.  This advocacy work was actually the foundation of the Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce movement. Our Breakfast will offer some solid guidance from local legal and financial experts to explain what you need to know and do right now about Bill 148 and the Federal Corporate Tax changes.  REGISTER NOW

And with elections coming in 2018 we will be creating more opportunities for you to share what you need to hear from the candidates who will represent our local interests at both the provincial and municipal levels.

For now, we will enjoy the season and extra effort we make to get together with friends and family to celebrate!

Chamber Members SAVE on products and services. Check out these Member 2 Member Offers.

Esso Chamber
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Esso Chamber
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Esso Chamber
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off