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Concerns of Business Cannot Be Ignored this Election Campaign

Concerns of Business Cannot Be Ignored this Election Campaign: Bay of Quinte Region Chambers and Ontario Chamber of Commerce

Ontario’s Business Advocate mobilizes around election priorities in 135 communities across the province

BELLEVILLE, MAY 3 – The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and the Belleville, Prince Edward and Quinte West Chambers of Commerce are mobilizing this election to bring their recommendations in Vote Prosperity to political leaders and local candidates across the province. Over the course of the campaign, local chambers and boards of trade will be boldly pushing the Vote Prosperity message through local debates, events and stakeholder meetings.

Since October, the OCC and your local Chamber leaders, Jill Raycroft, Emily Cowan and Suzanne Andrews, have been meeting with local candidates, elected officials at Queen’s Park and senior public policy leaders, to advocate for the recommendations for a strong Ontario outlined in Vote Prosperity. As leaders in their communities, during the campaign period local chambers and boards of trades will be hosting all candidates’ debates and events, with a focus on the Vote Prosperity message.

 “Our local chambers and boards of trade across the province have been advocating tirelessly with local candidates and elected officials, highlighting business priorities for this election,” said Emily Cowan, Executive Director, PEC Chamber. “During this election campaign, we will continue those efforts, calling on our local candidates political party leaders to adopt our economic plan that will help strengthen businesses competitiveness, foster job creation, build healthy communities and improve government accountability.”

The Bay of Quinte Chambers will also be inviting their members to offer input and discussion on what needs to be done locally to support business development and growth.  These conversations will identify key questions for the candidates in the upcoming debates scheduled over the next month.

With industry feeling the impacts of the increasing cumulative burden, the OCC and your Bay of Quinte riding Chambers have also warned that Ontario’s next government must be committed to taking bold action in providing pro-growth policy solutions.  “A strong and prosperous business community is needed if the province wants to tackle the debt of this province and provide the level of services Ontarians have come to expect,” said Suzanne Andrews, Quinte West Chamber of Commerce General Manager.  “Businesses of all sizes and sectors in Quinte West are in a constant state of flux and they need the next government to work with them to rebuild business confidence in the province.”  

“Ontario has the foundation for sustainable and equitable growth. But, bold action and leadership will be required of the newly elected Government of Ontario, whether it is Liberal, PC or NDP,” added Rocco Rossi, President and CEO, at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC).

Rocco Rossi will be joining the three Chambers and their members on Wednesday, May 16, along with OCC  Policy Analyst, Andrew Thiele, for a discussion on the four pillars of the Vote Prosperity platform in context of our local needs.  “We are very excited to have Rocco and Andrew joining us; while we know the Vote Prosperity platform represents our membership, this conversation will identify the local issues that align with these pillars.” Jill Raycroft, CEO Belleville Chamber of Commerce.

 Vote Prosperity is based on four pillars for Ontario:

  1. Strengthen business competitiveness: Rising input costs, especially those costs deriving from government regulation and policy, are the most common and acute concern of the business community in Ontario.
  2. Foster Job Creation: A robust labour market consisting of good jobs is essential to prosperity for all Ontarians.
  3. Build Healthy Communities: Building strong communities through adequate and affordable housing, sustainable health care, and good infrastructure also supports business prosperity and growth, which supports those communities.
  4. Improve Government Accountability: Poor implementation of government initiatives can result in resource waste, political frustration and disruption for ordinary citizens, as demonstrated by a series of policy failures under governments of all political stripes.

The platform provides eighteen unique recommendations that will help bolster Ontario’s long-term economic future, while also addressing the pressing issues the province currently faces.

The full list of recommendations in Vote Prosperity can be found at



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