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WORK IN BELLEVILLE program making virutal connections

 The City of Belleville Economic and Strategic Initiatives department created a community resume database program several years ago and it has been a valued, effective support network for employers and those seeking employment ever since.

During this challenging economic time, the ability to connect employers with employees and vice versa is paramount. Respecting the new physical distancing parameters has introduced some complexities into the hiring and job search procedure, the City’s resume data base program can serve as a means of virtually connecting people looking for work with those looking for workers.

“This program has been extremely effective in linking employers with willing, qualified workers,” said Mayor Mitch Panciuk. “Our local businesses have been impacted by the COVID-19 virus, and while some have been forced to decrease their workforce, others are experiencing the need to increase. This program can help employers connect with those looking for employment, enabling them to continue providing products and services our community, province and country need at this time.”

“We maintain a database of resumes, categorized by skill set (i.e. accountant, fork lift driver, child care provider, etc.) that can support any local employer looking to hire,” added Karen Poste, Manager of Economic and Strategic Initiatives. “Local employers are encouraged to contact us, provide us with information on the skill sets they need and staff will provide them with the resumes of people who could meet their needs.”  

 If you’re an employer needing staff to help during this difficult time, please contact the Economic Development office of the City of Belleville to obtain resumes that may help you fill your labour needs.

If you are a resident in need of work, please send your resume to the Economic Development office.  All emails should be sent to

For more information on the program, please call 613-967-3238. Additional information on this program is available at:

In accordance with Privacy Legislation, the information collected will be distributed only to those employers who have requested it. By submission of your resume, you agree to the circulation of your resume to those local employers.


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