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The Sweet Retreat celebrates Grand Opening in downtown Belleville.

The Belleville Chamber of Commerce along with some local dignitaries were on hand last week, to help celebrate Belleville's newest bakery, who officially opened their doors on Saturday, April 3. 

Miranda Odorico owner of The Sweet Retreat creates handcrafted gourmet
marshmallows and more! She has developed over 47 flavors of marshmallows, with some
popular favourites including chocolate peanut butter cups and churro flavours.

Odorico relocated to Belleville in December last year as a way to move out of the city and be
closer to family she has in Bancroft. She has spent over 20 years in the baking industry in
Toronto doing everything from developing recipes to designing ultra-cool gingerbread
houses for large brands.

The Sweet Retreat began exclusively as an online retailer in 2018 and has grown incredibly
since. Notably, Odorico fulfilled an order of 900 s’mores flavoured marshmallow packages for
Sephora’s California headquarters as part of their corporate holiday gift baskets.
Odorico will be incorporating her unique flavours and marshmallow recipes into other sweet
treats like cupcakes, cookies and a few surprises. “I will be creating treats that you won’t
find anywhere else,” shares Odorico. “We even have a small keto line for those looking for keto

The new bakery and storefront at 375 Front St. in downtown Belleville, across from Chilango's  has light pink painted brick and a retro style yellow and white striped awning, making it a unique and recognizable destination for treats.  Follow The Sweet Retreat on Instagram at

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