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State of the City Address with Mayor Christopher

On Wednesday, April 19th 2017 Mayor Taso Christopher made his 'State of the City' address to a sold out room of chamber members, dignitaries and city officials. He spoke on a number of topics including; 'Where we were' celebrating 200 years of Belleville and the upcoming special anniversary edition of the Belleville Magazine.

The Mayor then went on to discuss 'Where we are' with some of the on going and completed construction projects around the city, such as, Downtown Belleville Revitalization, the Bay Bridge and Dundas Street project, Local road resurfacing, bike lanes & multi-use paths and City Hall improvements.

After speaking on the past and the present Mayor Christopher then took time to talk about the future and 'Where we need to go.' He discussed phase 3 of the Downtown Revitalization, Northeast Industrial Park, expansion at the Yardmen Arena, new Fire Stations and Police Facility, Upcoming Events, increased investments in our Arts & Culture, and the overall growth and development of the city.

To close the address, the Mayor spoke about the next phase of the Build Belleville project. Talks and planning have begun on revitalizing and upgrading the Belleville Waterfront. Council will be attending a retreat next month to start long range planning and working out details on how they can develop and build an even better waterfront.

See Mayor Christopher's Powerpoint Presentation Here 

Also check out these great articles from our media partners: -  Waterfront the next focus, mayor tells chamber - Waterfront Development on the Horizon - Waterfront on Centre Stage

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