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No child should go without a gift this Christmas

The Children’s Foundation Angel Tree Holiday Program Kicks off in Belleville and Picton
No child should go without having a gift under the Christmas tree. This year, The Children’s Foundation will launch an Angel Tree program in Hastings, similar to the long-standing Picton Angel Tree program.

Both programs will ask the community to select an Angel from our tree, and then shop for that young person or persons. If preferred, a donation can be made for each child, and the TCF Elves can do the shopping. Gifts will need to be dropped off at The Children’s Foundation office, 363 Dundas Street W for Hastings children, and in Picton at Kinsmen Club of Picton Benson Hall at 56 King St.

You can buy an Angel or donate online at or pick up your Angel from our Angel Tree. The hours for the Angel Tree office vary due to COVID-19 protocols so please call ahead. To contact the Angel Tree office in Belleville, phone 613-962-9292 ex. 2391 and for Picton, phone 613-921-KIDS (5437).

As well, the office is open for individuals, businesses or teams to pick up an Angel, or two, or more. We encourage groups or businesses to host a Toy or Gift Drive to help us fill our ‘Santa Shop’ so we can meet the needs of all families referred right up to Christmas day.

“We expect the need for families will be greater this year and we want to ensure this holiday season is a happy one for all the children and youth in our region who need a little help. Having an Angel Tree in Belleville will help us get gifts for everyone and I am confident our generous community will open their hearts to these families. Last year the Picton Angel Tree program helped over 300 families- a record number, thanks to the entire community coming together”, says Kim Henry, Executive Director.

With the jolly determination of the TCF Elves, and the giving community that we all live in, we can bring hope and joy during the holiday season for children, youth, and families! Please visit our website to learn more about The Children Foundation.

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