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From the Desk of the CEO Jill Raycroft

While it may not be the most important thing to say this week – I do want to make one last pitch to join us for our Annual Chamber Golf Tournament! Sign up today and play next Thursday!  Beyond a great day of golf, we’ll have some entertaining activities with our hole sponsors in addition to some delicious food and fun prizes at the end. Golfing alone?  No problem – we’ll find someone to golf with you (and it’s a best ball tournament!)

As for the other big news, after months of turmoil with regard to our Provincial government and leadership, the votes were cast and the most significant change our province has seen in years is on the horizon. Congratulations to all the candidates from the Bay of Quinte riding on hard fought campaigns. There is no doubt each of them were passionate about the prosperity of our region with deep roots and committed integrity. As it stands, we certainly hope the sustained confidence in our riding’s PC candidate over the past 7 years will help the Bay of Quinte case for representation at Queen’s Park. Adding the HL&A to the Conservative presence with Darryl Kramp may also help. Congratulations to both Todd Smith & Darryl Kramp on their wins and I look forward to future conversations with both.

Ultimately, our advocacy work at the Chamber begins in earnest now with a government in place we hope is prepared to listen to the plight of skilled trades development, reduced red tape for small business owners and of course, reduced energy costs. Some may lament the potential changes to Bill 148 but I know from listening to you that paying your employees well was never in contention. It’s a competitive job market and it has been costing you more than a mandated minimum wage to retain good employees for a much longer time than the past few months.

What we hope will happen now is a stability around cost increases or even incentives that will make Ontario look appealing to foreign investment again and the growth of existing companies. 

And once again, thank you to our supporters of this year’s golf tournament –

Continuing their support from last year…

Matt Howell representing the Canadian Chamber Plan will welcome us
The team from 95.5 Hits FM/Cool 100/InQuinte as our Lunch Sponsor
Dale Hoard from Microage – our poster golfer from last year and Dinner Sponsor
Nancy Shaw from Shorelines Casino as our Hospitality Sponsor
Johanna Allen from Allen Insurance coming in for her 5th year for the Putting Contest

Hole Sponsors

Bay of Quinte QEDC
Beauty Works
Discount Car & Truck Rental
Meta Employment Services
O’Flynn Weese
Shoeless Joe’s
Right Fit
Rushnell Funeral Services
Tipper Financial

And our Hole-in-One sponsors (two chances to win amazing prizes) from

McDougall Insurance - $10,000
Peter Smith Chev Olds – a car

And a host of amazing prizes donated by more members than we can mention here – but there will be an opportunity to buy raffle tickets for our Board Beverage Basket – not to be missed!

Have a great weekend!

Chamber Members SAVE on products and services. Check out these Member 2 Member Offers.

Esso Chamber
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Esso Chamber
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Esso Chamber
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount