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Enhanced screening required at workplaces

Hastings Prince Edward Counties remain in the YELLOW level.

In our regison, hundreds of individuals have been identified as close contacts of positive cases and are currently in mandatory isolation while monitoring for symptoms. Click here to see the dashboard from HPEPH.
“Our investigations show that many recent transmissions of COVID-19 are occurring during close contact between individuals. Unfortunately, people are continuing to have close contact with others or go to work while they are feeling unwell,” says Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at HPEPH. “If you are experiencing even mild symptoms, please do not assume it is the common cold or upset stomach. If you have any symptoms of the virus, seek testing, avoid close contact with others and do not attend work.”

HPEPH is calling on employers to formally assist in ensuring compliance with self-isolation requirements. 

Effective Thursday, Dec. 10, workplaces are required to enhance screening measures to ensure that no employee who is currently under orders to self-isolate enters the premises. 

Persons who have deemed to be at risk will have been contacted directly by the Health Unit and told to self isolate if they are deemed a close contact risk. Employers must make sure that anyone that has been asked to self-isolate by the Health Unit does not enter your workplace. 

Required Screening Questions

1. Do you have any of the following new or worsening symptoms or signs? Symptoms should not be chronic or related to other known causes or conditions.

Fever or chills  YES or NO

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath  YES or NO

Cough  YES or NO

Sore throat, trouble swallowing  YES or NO

Runny nose/stuffy nose or nasal congestion  YES or NO

Decrease or loss of smell or taste  YES or NO

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain  YES or NO

Not feeling well, extreme tiredness, sore muscles  YES or NO

2. Have you traveled out  side  of Canada in the past 14 days?  YES or NO

3. Have you had close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19? YES or NO

4. Have you been contacted by Public Health and are currently required to self-isolate?  YES or NO

CLICK HERE FOR A PDF of screening questions you can use at your workplace. 

Employers are also asked to do their part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community by making accommodations for illness related absences, even if an employee’s symptoms are mild. Anyone who is advised to self-isolate, or who is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms must remain at home, not go to work, and seek testing as advised by the provincial self-assessment. If employers require a sick note from employees, HPEPH can provide one.  

HPEPH recognizes that for some residents being away from work because of illness can raise fears about job security and financial security. Please be aware that if you are required to self-isolate because of COVID-19, it is against the law for your employer to fire you or punish you. There are services available to support those who must be absent from work during the pandemic. These include:

  • Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB): Provides income support to employed and self-employed individuals unable to work because they are sick or need to self-isolate due to COVID-19 or have an underlying health condition that puts them at greater risk of getting COVID-19.
  • Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB): If you can’t work because you’re taking care of a loved one, you may be eligible for the CRCB.
  • Community Advocacy and Legal Centre resources (CALC): CALC has compiled a comprehensive list of benefits available during the pandemic.
  • Assistance for newcomers is available through Quinte Immigration Services at 613-968-7723. They can help determine what benefits are available from the government.

To see the 3 actions Employers must take  CLICK HERE for Section 22 Class Order 

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