Chamber News
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The Belleville Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the launch of a new recognition program featuring the people behind the businesses in our community. In 2017, the first Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Maurice Rollins for his vision for Belleville, the years he spent building it, the generosity he has shown as a citizen and how he has been a mentor to so many.
Recognizing they have some catching up to do with honouring those business members who should have earned a Lifetime Achievement award, the Board also realized there were opportunities to celebrate the milestones of that journey. As a result, there will be four new awards presented at the Annual President’s Dinner to honour our members who have exemplified action around the vision, founding, mentoring and citizenship that helped our community prosper.
The VISIONARY award will be presented to a Chamber member who has seen an opportunity to revive or create something unique or unprecedented. Their dedication to this vision has resulted in raising the profile of Belleville and has contributed to the overall prosperity of the community.
The FOUNDER award will be presented to a Chamber member who has built a business from its beginning or expanded an existing business that enhances the reputation of Belleville as a place where business can come to grow.
The MENTOR award will be presented to a Chamber member who, through their daily work, intentionally or not, helps develop others with their leadership and guidance.
The CITIZENSHIP award will be presented to a Chamber member who has embraced the spirit of the community by their selfless acts and support to causes that improve the lives of Belleville’s citizens.
Ultimately, the winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award could receive each of these awards individually – and as we begin the process of recognizing the pillars of our business community, there is no doubt some should win in multiple categories now.
The inaugural awards presentation will take place on Friday, February 9th at the Annual President’s Dinner being held at the Travelodge in the Windows Ballroom. All Chamber members are invited to attend and celebrate the inspiration of our community’s business leaders. We believe every member has the potential to be an award winner because the ambition that guided this year’s winners is the same ambition and commitment driving all of our members.
Tickets to the event may be purchased online at or by calling Susan Walsh at 613-962-4597, ext 3.
Individual tickets are available and early bird pricing is in effect until January 31.