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50th Golf Tournament was a great success.

The Belleville Chamber’s 50th Golf Tournament threatened to be shut down after a wet Wednesday earlier in September, but thanks to Crimestoppers, who were planning their 1st Mike Letwin Memorial Golf Tournament, we were able to join forces a week later.

More than 120 golfers took to the links on Wednesday, September 29th to enjoy golf, a putting contest, with the added excitement of the 2nd Corporate Challenge; a side game, modified from the original version from the 80s and 90s.   The game combined points for a variety of activities and some faux pas on the course, like hitting a hazard or losing a ball.

The tournament winner was the foursome of Rob Bruce, Steve Smith, Brandon and Curt McLean with a score of  -16, (with Shane Hoskin standing in).   The teams from Action Towing & Automotive and McDougall Insurance shared the second spot, both with a team score of -16. 

A special mention goes out to the Wilkinson team for the most honest score of +22. 

The foursome from Integrity Investigative Solutions took the top spot for the Corporate Challenge with the high score of 990.  The team from QHBA was a close second, turning in a score of 970.

The Putting Contest was won by Glen Robitaille, from the Restore Balance foursome with a score of 150 points, and taking home the prize of $250 in various gift certificates.

Golfers were encouraged to bring a bottle of wine to be entered into the draw to win it all.  Jesse McMaster from Quinte Gardens was the winner of arguably, the most sought after prize - 45 bottles of wine.   

A huge thank you to our event sponsors:

Meta Employment Services – Title Sponsor
McDougall Insurance – 2nd Chance
One Wild Voice – Corporate Challenge
Pioneer Healthcare – Carts
MicroAge – Lunch
Enrichment Centre for Mental Health/Agilec – Dinner
Jack Cook’s Wee Sports Pub/Jack Tucker’s Bar & Grill – Hospitality

Hole and Putting Contest Sponsors and Hole Participants:
Alarm Systems
Barry Raycroft – ReMax
Belleville Pregnancy and Family Care Centre
Children’s Safety Village
Expedia Cruises
Habitat for Humanity
Howell Financial Corp.
Integrity Investigative Solutions
JB Print
Liz Knuude – BMO Private Wealth
McDougall Insurance
Meyer’s Creek Brewing Company
O’Flynn Weese LLP
Peter Smith Chevrolet Cadillac 
Pioneer Healthcare
Quinte Gardens Retirement Residence
Restore Balance
Rushnell Family Services
Shannon Neely Financial
Signal Brewing Company
Trent Valley Distributors
Wilkinson’s LLP
Wolf Plumbing and Heating

We had great Swag for our Chamber golfers, and a terrific prize table thanks to these members:

Allen Insurance
Belleville Senators
Canadian Tire and Jumpstart
Chamber Board Members
City of Belleville
Culligan – The Good Water Company
Enrichment Centre for Mental Health
Expedia Cruises
Habitat for Humanity
Hawkins Cheezies
Integrity Investigative Solutions
Kool Koatings
Papa John’s
Pegasus Cheer
Quinte Gardens
Sans Souci
Trillium Wood Golf Club
Wolf Plumbing & Heating

The Belleville Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all those who contributed through their play, their engagement and donations.   It is the support of our members that make the difference day after day.   
Thank you for spending the day with us.

CLICK HERE for team photos and more!   We look forward to 2022.  

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Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Esso Chamber
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Esso Chamber
Body Systems Nutrition - 15% OFF purchases.
Esso Chamber
Parsons Cleaners Member offer - 10% OFF
NRG Alternatives - 10% Discount
Jesan Property Maintenance - SAVE 10%
Papa Johns Pizza Member Offer- 25% off
Allen Insurance - Exclusive Chamber Member Rates
Dinkle,s Restaurant - 10% OFF
Superior Propane - Save 5% on fixed price propane
Be Prepared First Aid Traning - 15% off
Cloud Bookkeeping Services - 10% OFF